Quote via Jorge Barba
This week is mainly:
New Team, New Start
We've got a brand new Lab Designer in Michelle, who has been recruited to give us the necessary bandwidth for new tests we have planned. Michelle blew us away at her interview with her enthusiasm and the fact she was willing to be brave enough to move from a permanent job for a 12 month opportunity. It's an experiment for Michelle and experiment for us and we're really excited to see what happens next. She'll do an intro post for us later this week.
Where Would You Work If You Could Work From Anywhere?
With a newly complete team we've taken the opportunity to restate our values. That means working to outcomes not hours, only using collaborative work tools, not being tied to meetings and working were we get the most inspiration. In a new experiment we'll all be working at least a couple of days each month in places that are not 'home' and not 'work' but more unusual, to see the effect on our productivity. We'll publish the team commitment later this week.
A New Pipeline
We've mentioned this in previous dispatches but it's now OFFICIAL. We have a new pipeline of work and there's lots of it. We are spending most of Tuesday looking at what this means in practice, and most importantly, where we start.
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
(Maybe) coming to a reception area near you. Pepper the robot
We've had a lot of talk of robots and AI over the past week and their potential role in Bromford's future:
- We dropped the artificially intelligent Fuzzbot tool into our customer Facebook group and have received some fascinating feedback.
- We are also collating the results of the first 12 months of our Smart Home Sensor test
- And we are working up a new Blockchain experiment
- And arranging a PropTech demo for colleagues
- And exploring whether we should have robot assistants such as Pepper in our offices
What's interesting is that when the Lab began these things were pretty much fantasy - now they are becoming reality.
See you next week