We have a scrap bit of paper stuck to the wall in the lab saying the words 'keep it simple stupid'. Its there to remind us to not over complicate the problem. Complication slows you down.
That's why, when it was decided to redesign the labs website we, well, kept it simple.
"If its not broke don't fix it" must be one of the most anti-innovation sayings there is. There was no obvious 'problem' with the old design but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be changed. We wanted a new look.
Luckily for us this wasn't very hard to do. The site isn't designed by 'specialists' in an office somewhere. It didn't cost thousands to create. We use something called squarespace which means we update it whenever we want and no cost or legal hurdle to overcome. Its not a case of procuring contracts and setting out project scope. Far from it!
It took me about 4 hours to redesign the site. Most of that time was taken up by checking all the links work and learning how to use squarespace in the first place. Granted we don't need it to do overly complicated things like private user areas and taking payments securely but that's all the more reason to keep things simple.
The result is a clean, highly visual web design for very little time or effort. (Plus it was a lovely job to start the year with).
Explore the site a bit and let us know what you think.