Social Business, Well Told Story, operate in Kenya and Tanzania and run an Emmy winning multi-media initiative called Shujaaz. We caught up with Managing Director, Rob Burnet, to find out what we could learn from their approach.
On Monday, Nesta launched the Centre for Collective Intelligence Design. Simon shares his reflections on the day and starts to explore what collective intelligence could mean for Bromford.
What part does gut feeling and evidence play in the design process? Are there tensions between the two and if so can they be overcome? Join us for conversation on the topic of ‘gut feeling vs. evidence’ in this month’s twitter chat - it’s #BlabChat time!
Sometimes you don’t need to spend time and money designing autonomous vehicles and fancy driver-less tests, you just need to dress up like a car seat and stick a GoPro on your dashboard.
In part one of his blog post on selling design, Simon introduces Service Design and Design Thinking as structured approaches to identifying and solving problems.